Sunday, 30 April 2017

Thursday, 27 April 2017

Light-rail Stop Progress 1

Have developed the basic structure of my light-rail stop, trying to integrate simple and complex geometries to reflect my concept.

The roof component was made using the soapbox plug-in in combination with the JHS powerboard plug-in for the trusses/piping. 

Textures - Light and Shadow

Wednesday, 26 April 2017

Concepts and Parallel Projection in Lumion

Have decided to develop the following parallel projection/concepts into a light rail stop:

Chosen Concepts:
  • Complexity meets simplicity - often the combination of simple shapes can create complex and exciting architectures, such as a light-rail stop
  • Architecture as a response to nature - materials and the way the natural landscape interacts with architecture can reflect the natural environment

Initial model in Sketchup:

Initial Model in Lumion:

Parallel Projections

Addition of Parallel Projections

Curved Parallel Projections

Wednesday, 12 April 2017

Axonometric in Lumion

Built the following Axo in Sketchup:

Here is the axo when rendered in Lumion:

Sunday, 2 April 2017

Model Animations

Developed Model - Images

Based off 'futuristic' and 'flexing' section:


Uses a 'smooth' and 'slimy' texture (a third texture was not added to not overcrowd and take away from the detailed textures already present).

3 Images of the model:

Exterior - 

Below Section - 

Above Section -